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Michael Kahr

Dekan der Musik Fakultät/Wiss. Leiter des Center for Artistic Research in Jazz and Popular Music Vienna
Artistic Research

Künstlerische bzw. pädagogische Ausbildung 

  • PhD Musicology (2010, University of Sydney)
  • MMus (2005, University of Sydney)
  • Mag. Art. (2001, University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz)

Lehre und Forschung 


  • Senior Lecturer (since 2006, Institute for Jazz, University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz)

·       Senior Scientist/Chair of Institute Jazz at Gustav Mahler Private University Klagenfurt (01.2022-12.2023)

·       Dean (2018-2021) and Vice Rector (2021-2022) at JAM MUSIC LAB University for Jazz and Popular Music Vienna

·       Postdoctoral Researcher (2011-2018, Institute for Jazz Research at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz)

  • Lectureships at the University of Sydney (2002-2004), University of Vienna (Institute for Musicology, 2013/2017), University of Salzburg (2017/2019), University of Arts Linz (2020)


  • Artistic Research in Jazz and Popular Music: An Artistic/Scientific Cartography of Current Musical Practices in Vienna (2024-2028, project leader, funded by Stadt Wien Kultur)

·       Network for Artistic Music Research (2022-2025, project partner, funded by German Research Foundation DFG)

·       International Center for Artistic Research in Jazz and Popular Music at JMLU (since 2022, head of research, funded by Stadt Wien Kultur)

·       UniNEtZ II (2022-2024, funded by University of Music and Performing Arts Graz)

·       Music4Change (2022-2023, project member, funded by Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership in Higher Education)

·       UniNEtZ I (2019-2021, funded by University of Music and Performing Arts Graz, Working Group SDG 4 and Working Group Arts and Sustainability)

·       Postdoc (Artistic Research in Jazz and Popular Music) – Institute for Jazz Research, University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz, Austria, 2015-2018

·       Postdoc – Austrian Science Fund FWF-project Jazz & the City: Identity of a Capital of Jazz, AR 86 G21, University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz, Austria, 2011-2013

  • PhD – funded position at the University of Sydney, 2005-2010



Künstlerische Veröffentlichungen – CDs, DVDs)

  • Dorothea Jaburek, Sweet Secrets, Alessa Records 1062 (2017) – comp., arr., p.

·       Michael Kahr, Jazz & the City (and me...), Alessa Records ALR 1047 (2016) - comp., arr., p.

·       SaxallegrO, Freequencies, Barnette (2015) - comp.

·       Dorothea Jaburek, Mei eigne Wöd, Firmamendt Records fm 002 (2014) - arr., p.

·       Rondo Vienna, 3, Preiser Records 91247 (2013) - p.

·       High Styria Big Band, Upper Styrian Big Band Folk, Manus (2011) - comp., arr., p.

·       Rondo Vienna, Strong Enough, Preiser Records (2011) - arr., p.

·       missImister, Bittersweet, Cracked Anegg Records KEG LC 09587 (2008) - comp., arr., p.

·       m&m, m&m, MM Records 01 (2005) - comp., arr., p.

·       Black Coffe Chapter 6, Feed your Soul, Ecco Chamber EC 3112 (2003) – comp., arr., p. 

·       Heidi Krenn Quartett, Austrian Young Lions, Universal Music 980865-4 (2003) - p.

·       Michael Kahr Quartett, Stories, Mr.D. Music 4029661023148 (2002) - comp.,   arr., p., tp.

·       Klangdebüts, The Dukebox, KUG 17 (2000) - arr., p.

·       Faton M. Macula, I Remember You, MGR 98002-2 (2000) - comp., arr., p.

  • Trijok, Spring, A-Jok Records 11570394 (1995) - tp.

Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen


  • Artistic Research, Collaboration and Participation in Jazz and Popular Music (2028, in preparation).
  • Doing Thinking” in Jazz. Preparing for a Jazz Performance. Co-authored with Marcel Cobussen, Monika Herzig, Jasna Jovicevic, Tracy McMullen, Vincent Meelberg and Chris Stover (2025, in preparation).
  • Routledge Companion of Jazz and Gender. Co-editing with James Reddan and Monika Herzig. Routledge (2022).
  • Artistic Practice as Research in Jazz: Positions, Theories, Methods. Routledge (2021)
  • Aspects of Context and Harmony in the Music of Clare Fischer. PhD thesis. University of Sydney (2009).

Aufsätze (mit Peer Review)

  • “The Jazz Artist’s Knowing Voice in Historical Contexts: From Historically Informed Practice to Artistic Research”. Jazzforschung / Jazz Research 48 (2024 in print).
  • “Artistic Practice and/as Analytical Method in Historical Jazz Research”. Music Analysis: Cultures, Theories and Performance, ed. Antonio Grande. Music Analysis GATM International Project. (2023), 141-167,
  • with Thomas Lindenthal and Ruth Mateus-Berr, “Stärkung von künstlerischer, gestalterischer und musikalischer Bildung im Elementar- und Grundschulunterricht sowie in der Sekundarstufe 1 und 2“. In Optionen und Maßnahmen. Österreichs Handlungsoptionen zur Umsetzung der UN-Agenda 2030 für eine lebenswerte Zukunft. UniNEtZ (2021), 1–14,
  • “Artistic Practice and/as Analytical Method in Historical Jazz Research”. Rivista di Analisi e Teoria Musicale 2019/1 (2020), 129–153.
  • “Jazz in Graz von 1965 bis 2015”. Historisches Jahrbuch der Stadt Graz 48 (2018), 435–451.
  • “Chromatic Harmony in the Music of Herbie Hancock and Clare Fischer”. Jazzforschung / Jazz Research 46 (2018), 73–90.
  • “The Jazz Institutes in Graz: Pioneer in Academic Jazz and their Impact on Local Identity”. European Journal of Musicology 16/1 (2017), 45–59,
  • “Künstlerische Forschung im Bereich Jazz und Popularmusik an der Kunstuniversität Graz”. Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung ZfHE 10/1 (2015), 39–51,    
  • “Upper Styrian Big Band Folk – Exploring Local Authenticity and Identity in Jazz”. Journal for Artistic Research 3 (2013),



  • “Komposition und Komponieren im Jazz”. Handbuch Jazz, ed. Mario Dunkel and Magdalena Fürnkranz. Metzler/Bärenreiter (2025, in print).
  • With Wolf-Georg Zaddach. “Methods for the 21st Century: Artistic Research and Popular Music Studies”. Handbook of Popular Music Methodologies, ed. Mike Dines. Intellect (2025 in print).
  • “Artistic Research into Jazz and the City”. Urban Music Studies: Theories and Methods, ed. Alenka Barber-Kersovan. Intellect (2025 in print).
  • “Editorial”, ARJAZZ Journal for Artistic Research in Jazz and Popular Music 1 (2024, in preparation).
  • “Analyse und Interpretation im Jazz: Von historisch informierter Aufführungspraxis zur künstlerischen Forschung“. Stuttgarter Musikwissenschaftliche Schriften, ed. Bernd Asmus. Schott (2024), 144-159.
  • “Wynton Marsalis”. MGG Online, hrsg. von Laurenz Lütteken, Kassel, Stuttgart, New York 2016ff. (2023),  
  • “Ellis Marsalis”. MGG Online, hrsg. von Laurenz Lütteken, Kassel, Stuttgart, New York 2016ff. (2023),  
  • With Constanze Müller, “I JAM, therefore I am. Die Einrichtung einer Ombudsstelle zur Qualitätssicherung an der JAM MUSIC LAB Privatuniversität für Jazz und Popularmusik Wien”, Informationen für Hochschul-Ombudsdienste IHO 2 (2021/22), 1–4.
  • “Constructing a Diverse and Inclusive Jazz Tradition: A Uchronic Narrative of Jazz in Graz, Austria”. Routledge Companion for Jazz & Gender, ed. James Reddan, Monika Herzig and Michael Kahr. Routledge (2022), 113–140.
  • With James Reddan and Monica Herzig. “Preface”. Routledge Companion for Jazz & Gender, ed. James Reddan, Monika Herzig and Michael Kahr. Routledge (2022), xiii-xiv.
  • “Artistic Research in Jazz: An Introduction”. Artistic Practice as Research in Jazz: Positions, Theories, Methods, ed. Michael Kahr. Routledge (2021), xvi–xxii.
  • “Artistic Research in Jazz and Popular Music: Historical Contexts”. Artistic Practice as Research in Jazz and Popular Music: Positions, Theories, Methods, ed. Michael Kahr. Routledge (2021), 46–64. 
  • “Jazz in Graz der 1970er Jahre: Institutionen, Personen, Entwicklungen”. Auf dem Weg zur Kunstuniversität: das Kunsthochschul-Organisationsgesetz von 1970, ed. Susanne Prucher, Silvia Herkt, Susanne Kogler, Severin Matiasovits and Erwin Strouhal. Hollitzer (2021), 204–220.
  • “Zur historischen Entwicklung der deutschsprachigen Jazzforschung. Wissenschafts- und kulturgeschichtliche Rahmenbedingungen in der Stadt Graz”. Jazzforschung heute. Themen, Methoden, Perspektiven, ed. Martin Pfleiderer and Wolf-Georg Zaddach. Berlin: Edition EMVAS (2019), 261–282,
  • “Artistic Research in Jazz: A Case Study and Potential Developments”. Music and Sonic Arts: Theories and Practice. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, eds. Mine Doğantan-Dack and John Dack (2018), 184–199.
  • “Zur musikalischen Entwicklung des modernen Jazz in Graz (1953–1955)”. Anklaenge 2016. Studien zur Österreichischen Popularmusik im 20. Jahrhundert (Wiener Jahrbuch für Musikwissenschaft). Hollitzer Verlag, eds. Christian Glanz and Manfred Permoser (2017), 161–176.
  • “50 Years of Academic Jazz in Central Europe: Musicological and Artistic Research Perspectives in a Case Study of Local Jazz History in Graz”. Continental Drift. 50 Years of Jazz from Europe, Edinburgh Napier University, eds. Haftor Medbøe, Zack Moir and Chris Atton. (2017), 57–65. 
  • “Chromaticism and Identity in the Music of Clare Fischer”. Darmstädter Beiträge zur Jazzforschung 14. Wolke Verlag, ed. Wolfram Knauer (2016), 71–84.

weitere Berufserfahrungen

  • Founder and Board Member of International Network for Artistic Research in Jazz (INARJ)

·       Board Member, ARJAZZ Journal for Artistic Research in Jazz (Research Catalogue)

·       Board Member, International Society of Jazz Research (IGJ)

·       Editorial Board Member, Journal for Jazz Education in Research and Practice (IU Press) 

·       Reviewer for European Commission (Creative Europe, MSCA), Research Council South Africa, Jazz Education Network, Journal for Artistic Research, Journal for Jazz Education in Research and Practice, Samples, Jazzforschung/Jazz Research and Transnational Jazz Studies (Routledge)

  • Advisor/Evaluator of doctoral projects at Norwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNU, Royal Conservatoire Brussels and Royal Academy Antwerp 


Preise, Auszeichnungen, Esteem Factors

  • Erzherzog Johann Research Award, County of Styria 2018
  • Grants for CD-productions, scientific conferences and research projects 
  • Austrian Science Fund FWF PEEK Grant (2011-2013)
  • Morroe Berger – Benny Carter Jazz Research Award, Rutgers University Newark, USA (2011)
  • Fulbright Scholar Award, Los Angeles 2010