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Workshop with Ben Sluijs: “Symmetry in Harmony and Melodic/Intervalistic Movement"

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Gasometer B, Guglgasse 8
1110 Vienna

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Workshop with Ben Sluijs from the Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen - ROYAL CONSERVATOIRE OF ANTWERP, under the Framework of Erasmus+

Open for all musicians

Day 1: September 9th from 10:00 till 12:00 - (Spielraum, Gasometer B)

Day 2: September 10th from 10:00 till 12:00 - (Spielraum, Gasometer B)


“Symmetry in harmony and melodic/intervalistic movement, as inspiration for (jazz-) improvisation and composition”


possible topics:

-Understanding, explication, analysis and practical use of some existing and frequently used symmetric scales: Whole tone, diminished scale, chromatic scale, tritone scale, Messiaen mode I, II,III and IV…)

-The use of them in concrete playing situations: teacher and students will listen play and explore and will learn how to to use them practically within the original scale itself, as on basic chord progressions.

-Constant structure: symmetric shifting of chords, intervals, triads, note groups, melodies… Discovery of these structures in tunes (also standards) and compositions. Also here: practical use of this in the students own improvisation- and compositional language.

-examples of these topics by jazz-improvisers and composers (classical and jazz-) will be listened to and discussed.

-Analysis of some of my own composition, also with improvisation tryouts on the chords:

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Individual Lessons with Ben Sluijs, for all Instruments

(only for AMP and JAM Students)


Day 1: 9th of September between 13:00-15:00 (Ensembleraum, Gasometer B)

Day 2: 10th of September between 13:00-15:00 (Ensembleraum, Gasometer B)

The length of the individual lessons depends on the number of registrations.

Please register in advance on JAM-Online. Afterwards the schedule lines will be communicated directly to the students.

