10h-14h Brazil time
15h-19h Austrian time
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Free, limited connection, amphitheatre CCTS, Sorocaba UFSCar with 70 places
Organized by: Corinne Arrouvel UFSCar Brazil and Oliver Peter Graber, JAM MUSIC LAB Private University Music, Austria
Dr. Corinne Arrouvel, French, is an associate professor at UFSCar-Sorocaba teaching chemistry with a theoretical speciality. Her research interest is broad and multidisciplinary, applying quantum and classical methods to characterize the solid state in Physics and Chemistry for a wide range of applications (such as heterogeneous catalysis, corrosion, biocompatibility, origins of life, pollutions, energy materials, mineralogy and geoscience). From her work in France, England and Brazil, 24 articles have been published in international journals in diverse areas, cited over 1150 times, with an h-index of 14. She has given more than 70 conference presentations and guest lectures. In addition to her scientific background, she was in France professional in sportive activities and water lifeguarding, Latin dancer amateur and entered the chorinho´s musical community in Brazil.
Playing music can be a leisure, ludic practice, known to develop social bonds, to improve intellectual capacity and more recently explored in musicotherapy. Studying music from its origins, effects on the society to its applications can be connect to science, for example teaching mathematics (fractions, exponentials of musical notes, symmetries of harmony and rhythms), physics (classical acoustic physics, quantum physics), biology (human ear function, psychology), information technology (artificial intelligence). This first meeting will introduce the extension project with some basic concepts in science and how science can inspire music.
Topics (UFSCar) 10h-12h:
- From Pythagorean scale to tempered scale
- String theory from classical to quantical
- Symmetrical rules: the beauty of harmony and rhythm
- Tuning instruments and the art of luthiers
- Resonance and timbre
- Cultural evolution and artificial intelligence in music
Confirmed speakers on Brazilian side 10h-12h (Austrian time 15h-17h)
- Dr Corinne Arrouvel, UFSCar DFQM/CCTS: ´The physics of musical instruments and their influence in the Brazilian culture, an introduction´
- Dr Dominique Costa, ENSCP, France, ´Machine-man Co-improvisation: Incursion of Jazz in Flamenco´
- Dr Paulo Roberto Adalberto, DAC UFScar, The tune of sound: the maths and the aesthetic of consonance.
- Dr. José Carlos Pizolato Junior* and Dr. Carlos Alberto De Francisco, DEE-UFSCar ´The influence of ambient acoustics on musical perception´
- Dr Lurian Lima, UNIRIO/FAPERJ: Capoeira history in brief.
- Leonardo Silva: the physics of the Berimbau, UFSCar-DCNME, Campus Araras
Musical presentation:
Interview of Capoeira Master Carlão and master Tainha. Playing Berimbau (Angola style).
Topics (JAM MUSIC LAB) 12h-14h (Austrian time 17h-19h)
- Music Medicine, Music Therapy and Arts for Health
- NMR-Music (Experimental music)
Confirmed speakers on Austrian side
- Prof Gerhard Tucek, IMC FH Krems: ´Josef Ressl Center: Horizons of personalized music therapy´ 12.00-12.30 (Austrian time 17.00-17.30)
- Prof Oliver Peter Graber, JAM MUSIC LAB: ´Arts for Health in Austria´ 12.30-13.00 (Austrian time 17.30-18.00)
- Katharina Ostatek, IMC FH Krems: ´Music Therapy & Delirium´ 13.00-13.30 (Austrian time 1800-18.30)
- Prof Oliver Peter Graber, JAM MUSIC LAB: ´NMR = New Musical Resources. Experimental composition for ballet and concert hall´ 13.30-14.00 (Austrian time 18.30-19.00)