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JAM MUSIC LAB University - Center for Artistic Research presents: 2024/25 Research Colloquium Series online and in person

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Theorieraum 1, JAM MUSIC LAB

Gasometer B, Guglgasse 8
1110 Vienna

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JAM MUSIC LAB University - Center for Artistic Research presents:

2024/25 Research Colloquium Series

JAM MUSIC LAB students may attend Colloquia for Workshop Credit. 


October 4-6, all day, hybrid

4th Conference of the International Network of Artistic Research in Jazz INARJ 

(registration for online participation required, see for information and detailed program)

Friday October 4, 13:00 – 19:00 Performing Stage im Musikquartier

Saturday October 5, 9:00 – 18:00 Spielraum, Gasometer

Sunday October 6, 9:00 – 15:00 Spielraum, Gasometer


Monday, October 14, 16:00 – 18:00, Online

John Hasse, Curator Emeritus for American Music, Smithsonian, Washington, DC:

Creating Oral Histories


Monday, November 18, 16:00 – 18:00, Theorieraum 1 and OnlinePasscode 402806

Magdalena Fürnkranz, Senior Lecturer, University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna: An Alternative Historiography of Popular Music in Vienna. 

Magdalena Fürnkranz ist Senior Scientist am Institut für Popularmusik der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien (mdw). Zu ihren Forschungsschwerpunkten zählen unter anderem Performativität und Inszenierung in der Popularmusik, intersektionale, queere und postkoloniale Perspektiven auf musikkulturelle Felder, Musikszenen in Österreich und New Jazz Studies.


Tuesday, January 14, 14:00-16:00, Online

Project Presentations Masters Students JAM MUSIC LAB University



