University Council
The university council represents the interests of JAM MUSIC LAB Private University and consists of high-ranking members from the fields of business, science, art and culture.
The University Council of JAM MUSIC LAB Private University
Fritz Thom
Concert and festival promoter with Live Performance Service since 1972. Director of Jazz Fest Wien/Vienna President of International Jazz Festivals Organization - the umbrella to the world’s top jazz festivals.
Ing. Ewald Kirschner
General manager of GESIBA, deputy chairman of the supervisory board of Flughafen Wien AG (Vienna Airport plc), chairman of the advisory board for the U2 Standtentwicklung GmbH (U2 Subway City Development Ltd.)
Mag. Dr. Wolfgang Lamprecht
Author and cultural promoter, head of corporate communications, Bank Austria Kunstforum Wien
Elke Hesse
Director of the MuTh - Konzertsaal der Wiener Sängerknaben and Trustee of the MpF Foundation, Vitznau and Cultural Representative of the Pühringer Group
RA Mag. Michael Pilz
Associate and managing director of the law firm Freimüller/Obereder/Pilz und Partner, associate of JAM MUSIC LAB GmbH