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Annett Thoms speaks at 19th Vienna Symposium for Voice

Univ.-Prof. Annett Thoms, Head of our Voice Department, will take part as a speaker at the 19th Vienna Symposium for the voices of artists and singers from Dec. 1-3, 2022.

Conservative voice-focused interventions such as speech therapy and choral singing can reduce the resulting hoarseness in bronchial asthma and COPD patients receiving continuous cortisone therapy. Vocal ativity leads to an improvement in laryngeal changes. This was demonstrated in a pilot study "SiACo - Sing against Cortisone" conducted in 2020-2021.

Her lecture, held together with speech therapist, singer and vocal pedagogue Katharina Anna Klavacs, is ultimately about success in the fight against hoarseness and about the momentum that can develop in a group of patients.

Find out more here.

Authored on November 8th, 2022