JAM MUSIC LAB - Reaccreditation confirmed for another six years!
Authored on June 19th, 2023
With great pleasure, we are pleased to inform you that our institution has been reaccredited for the next six years.
On June 19, 2023, JAM MUSIC LAB received the official notification of reaccreditation from AQ Austria. "This notification is a significant boost for our young university and confirms officially that we are on the right path," says Rector Marcus Ratka. The evaluation particularly highlights the increasing demand and greater significance of media music, as well as the unique aspects of the offerings in teaching various genres of jazz and contemporary popular music. The special focus on the employability of our graduates was also acknowledged in the evaluation. Many of them aspire to establish themselves as freelance musicians and music educators.
This notification is now valid for a total of six years, during which we intend to utilize for our further development in research, ensuring that we can successfully master the next reaccreditation process.