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Ernst Theis

Vice Rector for Research and Quality Assurance / Univ.-Prof. for Artistic Research (Faculty of Music) / Head of Master Studies Music
Artistic Research

Artistic and pedagogical education

  • Doctor of Philosophy, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, 2019
  • Magister artium, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, 1986
  • IGP "Classical Percussion", University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, 1984
  • Concert subject "Classical Percussion", University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, 1983

Teaching & Research


  • University Professor for Artistic Research at JAM MUSIC LAB Private University for Jazz and Popular Music Vienna since summer semester 2022
  • JAM MUSIC LAB Private University for Jazz and Popular Music Vienna, Head of the Diploma Seminar, until winter semester 2023
  • Konservatorium Wien Privatuniversität, Head of the Department of Wind Instruments and Percussion, 2005 - 2008
  • Konservatorium Wien Privatuniversität, Head of "Praktikum Modern", 2005 - 2008
  • Conservatory of the City of Vienna, Head of "Praktikum Modern", 1996 - 2005
  • Conservatory of the City of Vienna, Head of the Wind Instruments and Percussion Department, 1996 - 2005
  • Conservatory of the City of Vienna, Head of a class of the central artistic subject "Classical Percussion" 1985 - 1996
  • Music School Korneuburg, percussion teacher, 1981 - 1985


  • University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Institute for Sociology of Music, Topic: Music for the Medium Radio (1923-1934), PhD with Dr. phil. 2019
  • University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, Institute for Sociology of Music, Subject: Musikschule Korneuburg (A Study of the Origin and Development of the Music School of the "Korneuburger Musikfreunde") 1986


Artistic publications – CDs, DVDs

  • Oscar Straus, Die Prinzessin von Tragant (ballet music complete recording [2021], Der Traum ein Leben (symphonic poem after Franz Grillparzer [2022]) - cpo 2022 (release planned)
  • Paul Lincke, Overtures Volume II, Brandenburg State Orchestra, cpo 2021 (release planned)
  • Paul Lincke, Ouvertures Volume II, Brandenburg State Orchestra, cpo 2021 (release planned)
  • Paul Lincke, Ouverture to the operetta "Frau Luna", Brandenburg State Orchestra, 2020
  • Emmerich Kálmán, Munich Radio Orchestra, Choir of the Vienna Volksoper, div. soloists, CPO 2018 (release 2021)
  • Operetta made in Austria - Behind the mirror, (Ildikó Raimondi, Herbert Lippert Solist:innen), Wiener Stadthalle, 2018
  • Oscar Straus, Concerto for piano and orchestra in B minor (Oliver Triendl, soloist), Serenade for strings in G minor op. 35, Tragant Waltz (based on motifs from the dance play "The Princess of Tragant") Deutsche Radiophilharmonie Saarbrücken/Kaiserslautern, 2018 (release 2020)
  • W. A. Mozart, Ouverture to the opera "Die Entführung aus dem Serail", Richard Strauss, Horn Concerto op. 11 (Felix Klieser, soloist), Alexander Zemlinsky, Lyric Symphony (Simona Houda-Šaturová, Pavol Remenár, soloists), Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra, 12018
  • Eduard Künneke, Dance Suite, Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra, Big Band of the German Opera Berlin, Warsaw Philharmonic Hall, 2018
  • Johanns Strauss (son), Aschenbrödel (ballet music complete recording), ORF Radio-Symphonieorchester Wien, cpo 2018
  • Eduard Künneke, Concerto for Piano and Orchestra op. 36 (Oliver Triendl, soloist), Zigeunerweisen, Serenade for Orchestra, Münchner Rundfunkorchester, cpo 2015 (release 2017).
  • Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin - Vienna Dances, Concertgebouw Amsterdam, (excerpt), 2015.
  • Jacques Offenbach, La Périchole (complete recording), choir and orchestra of the Staatsoperette Dresden, various soloists, cpo 2013
  • Edition RadioMusiken Vol.3 - Plays & Opera for the Radio, choir and orchestra of the Staatsoperette Dresden, various soloists, cpo 2006-2011 (release 2017)
  • Edition RadioMusiken Vol.2 - Radio Suites & Overtures, Choir and Orchestra of the Staatsoperette Dresden, various soloists, cpo 2009-2011 (published 2014)
  • Egon Krák, The ELF Symphony 2011 for large Orchestra, Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra, SOZA 2011
  • Johann Strauss (Sohn), Prinz Methusalem (complete recording), Choir and Orchestra of the Dresden State Operetta, various soloists, cpo 2010
  • Edition RadioMusiken Vol.1 - Edmund Nick/Erich Kästner, Leben in dieser Zeit (radio cantata), choir and orchestra of the Staatsoperette Dresden, various soloists, cpo 2010
  • Johanns Strauss (son), The Queen's Lace Cloth (complete recording), Choir and Orchestra of the Dresden State Operetta, various soloists, cpo 2009
  • Johanns Strauss (son), Der Carneval in Rom (complete recording), choir and orchestra of the Staatsoperette Dresden, various soloists, cpo 2008
  • Joseph Haydn, Complete Piano Concertos Vol.3, Massimo Palumbo (soloist), Austrian Chamber Orchestra, Arts Music 2002
  • Joseph Haydn, Complete Piano Concertos Vol.2, Massimo Palumbo (Soloist), Austrian Chamber Orchestra, Arts Music 2002
  • Joseph Haydn, Complete Piano Concertos Vol.1, Massimo Palumbo (Soloist), Austrian Chamber Orchestra, Arts Music 2001
  • Erwin Schulhoff; Double Concerto for flute, piano and orchestra (Erwin Klambauer, soloist), Symphony No. 2/Michael Mautner United Colours (Saxophone Concerto, Peter Rohrsdorfer), Austrian Chamber Symphony Orchestra, 2000
  • Franz Schubert, Unfinished Symphony (arrangement for 16 instrumentalists/Donaufestival Niederösterreich), Austrian Chamber Symphony Orchestra, conductor: Peter Keuschnig, 1997
  • Arthur Honegger, Musique pour Regain, Sérénade à Angélique/Michael Rot, Violin Concerto (Sabine Windbacher, soloist), Österreichische Kammersymphoniker, 1996
  • Darius Milhaud, Concerto pour Marimba (Nebojša Jovan Živković), Cortège funebre, Symphoniette pour cordes/Michael Radanovics, Introversion, Österreichische Kammersymphoniker, 1995
  • Bohuslav Martinu, Concerto da Camera, Concertino pour violoncelle (Martin Rummel, soloist) / Werner Steinmetz, solo and chamber music (Sabine Windbacher, soloist), Österreichische Kammersymphoniker, Gramola 1994
  • Michael Schmidinger, Concerto for violin and wind orchestra (Christian Altenburger, soloist), Österreichische Kammersymphoniker, ORF 1992

Scientific Publications

  • Musik für das Medium Radio (1923-1934), Verlag Thelem, Dresden 2022 (in preperation)
  • Radio Hekaphon, der erste österreichischen Sender, trade journal medien & zeit, 2020
  • Radio ist jetzt Trumpf - Gedanken zur Programmkonzeption des RadioMusiken-Konzerts des MDR Symphonieorchesters, website des Mitteldeutschen Rundfunks, 2020
  • Die Elektrifizierung der Musik - oder - Wie die Töne fliegen lernten, DIE BÜHNE, 2015
  • Auf der Spurensuche nach der Gattung „Radiomusik“, MDR Website Rundfunkschätze, 2014

Further work experience

  • Guest Conductor - Symphony Orchestra of the German Opera Berlin
  • Guest Conductor - St. Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra
  • Guest Conductor - Basel Symphony Orchestra
  • Guest Conductor - Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra
  • Guest Conductor - Bochum Symphony Orchestra
  • Guest Conductor - Rhineland-Palatinate State Philharmonic Orchestra
  • Guest Conductor - Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra
  • Guest Conductor - Brandenburg State Orchestra
  • Guest Conductor - MDR Symphony Orchestra Leipzig
  • Guest Conductor - SWR German Radio Philharmonic Orchestra Saarbrücken/Kaiserlautern
  • Guest Conductor - Northwest German Philharmonic Orchestra
  • Guest Conductor - State Orchestra Rheinische Philharmonie
  • Guest Conductor - New Philharmonic Orchestra Westphalia
  • Guest Conductor - Radio Symphony Orchestra Vienna
  • Guest Conductor - NDR - Radiophilharmonie Hannover
  • Guest Conductor - WDR Radio House Orchestra Cologne
  • Guest Conductor - Munich Radio Orchestra
  • Guest Conductor - Academy for Early Music Berlin (AKAMUS)
  • Guest Conductor - Osaka Symphony Orchestra
  • Guest Conductor - Sendai Philharmonic Orchestra
  • Guest Conductor - Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra
  • Guest Conductor - St. Petersburg Academic Symphony Orchestra
  • Guest Conductor - Bruckner Orchestra Linz
  • Guest Conductor - Lower Austrian Tonkünstler Orchestra
  • Guest Conductor - Haydn Orchestra Bolzano and Trentino
  • Guest Conductor - Symphony Orchestra Hamburg
  • Guest Conductor - Latvian National Orchestra Riga
  • Guest Conductor - Kazan State Symphony Orchestra
  • Guest Conductor - United European Chamber Orchestra in Milano
  • Guest Conductor - Ensemble Modern Frankfurt
  • Guest Conductor - Ensemble "die reihe
  • Guest Conductor - Dresden State Operetta (Chief Conductor 2003-2013)
  • Guest Conductor - Vienna Volksoper (Kapellmeister 1996-2000)
  • Guest conductor - State Opera Ljubljana
  • Guest conductor - Theater Erfurt
  • Guest conductor - Vienna Burgtheater
  • Guest conductor - State Opera Timisoara
  • Conducting activity - artistic director of the KLANGBADHALL Festival, 2017-2021
  • Conducting activity - Musical Director, Operettensommer Kufstein, 2012-2017
  • Conducting activity - chief conductor of the Dresden State Operetta, 2003-2013
  • Conducting activity - Kapellmeister, Vienna Volksoper, 1996-2000
  • Conducting activity - Artistic Director and Managing Director, Österreichische Kammersymphoniker 1991-2003

Prizes, awards, miscellaneous 

  • Winner of the Conducting Competition, Darmstadt 1996 (chaired by Peter Eötvös)
  • Appreciation Award of the Federal Ministry for Education and the Arts 1983 for special achievements at the end of his studies